Garden design trends for 2022 – All You Need To Know

Garden design

Here are the 20 hottest landscape design trends for gardeners in the year 2022. Trends that are starring right now are curved beds, vertical gardens, and spatial arrangements of plants instead of rows or lines of them. Design methods like vignetting will also continue to be popular with garden designers in order to create more interest from visitors who view one part at a time rather than from ground level.


The trend of 2022 is to have a unique garden space that will attract and excite your visitors. Gardeners will not adhere to the traditional square and rectangular designs as presented in many books or on line. Curved, wavy, and other unique shapes will continue to be used in gardens but with greater diversity than seen before. Grading of these spaces so they flow into each other will still be the key element in the design, however curved beds will add an allure that has never been seen in previous years.


Many gardens that are expected to be built in 2022 will utilize the use of vertical garden structures to create a unique architectural look as well as new plant combinations. New materials for these structures will continue to evolve in order for them to be more durable, come in different colors and designs, and provide some level of organic connection with parent plants. Garden designers are trying out new methods that utilize fewer plants in a more compact space. This is vital because areas become limited when there are large numbers of plants used. A single piece of lawn can easily take up several square feet and this leaves little room for walkways or high-level viewing areas or seating areas. The trend is to remove some of these plants and replace them with vertical design structures while still maintaining a natural look.


The trend in garden design will also be to utilize more architectural elements in the garden. This can be by creating curved walls or walkways, or incorporating pagoda, statues, sculptures and other similar elements. Garden designers will continue to use open space areas and vignetting to create interest and create different areas within one garden. They will also begin to use more asymmetrical plant arrangements, especially when they are in pots. For example, contrasting-colored plants placed together in a pot that has a contrasting colored background.


In 2022 urban gardens will be viewed as ornamental spaces rather than food sources for nearby residents. Gardens in the city will continue to evolve and provide more splash with color, ornamentation, landscaping, and other elements. The trend will be for gardens that are designed in a way that does not feel like an enclosure to residents. Flowers will be used for more than blooms because they provide interest to the people as well as appeal to wildlife looking for nectar in a garden of plants. More self-sufficient designs will become popular in gardens by using certain flowers that can hold soil and water around them.


Bottom line

Experimentation with plant combinations will continue to be popular. These combinations will be a combination of flowers, seeds or seedlings and ground covers. Colors in the garden will be deeper and more saturated because they represent richer tones of green. Plants that are considered annuals will become popular because they do not keep their shape once the bloom is gone. These plants are also very productive in sizes and varieties, which makes them valuable resources for urban gardens.


Other trends expected in 2022 include water gardening with ponds, koi ponds and other structures built around water streams or rivers. Water gardens will be constructed to complement nearby structures and vegetation as well as to provide habitat for wildlife like frogs, fish and other creatures that live in them.

Norman Dixon

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