Types of Replacement Windows: Fiberglass vs. Aluminum


Replacement windows come in a variety of different materials. One of the most common is fiberglass, and another popular choice is aluminum. Knowing the difference between them can help you decide which type best suits your needs.


This blog post will tell you all about the different types of replacement windows, as well as how they compare to one another. It will also give pricing tips and estimated life expectancies for both types to help you make an educated decision when choosing your new window installation.


Fiberglass vs. Aluminum Replacement Windows

Available in various colors, fiberglass and aluminum replacement windows are some of the most common materials used for new window installations. The two types have their own strengths and weaknesses, but when comparing the two carefully, you’ll find that fiberglass is almost always a better option.


Why Fiberglass Is Better Than Aluminum

It’s nearly impossible to get your hands on an aluminum window without spending a small fortune; these windows cost many thousands of dollars, while high-quality fiberglass models start at around $400. Fiberglass provides better insulation, but also requires heavier duty framing to hold its weight in place. This can make installing it more costly than aluminum.


Another major difference between the two materials is that fiberglass doesn’t rust. You won’t have to worry about it corroding and breaking down, which can trap moisture in the air, and make your home susceptible to mold and mildew growth. Aluminum windows do corrode over time, leaving you with a shoddy replacement job.


Compare Prices for All Types of Aluminum and Fiberglass Windows 

However, there are some things that you’ll have to consider before making a purchasing decision. If you don’t want any type of window covering on the inside of your home, fiberglass is by far the best choice. If you’re interested in upgrading from inexpensive plastic or vinyl options, aluminum is what you should look at.


Another difference that may help you decide between the two materials is their capacity to hold heat in. Unlike fiberglass, aluminum windows are not insulators. Fiberglass can keep your heat in during the winter and out during the summer, without costing you more money on your utility bills. For those living in colder climates, aluminum might have some appeal.


When it comes to overall durability and longevity, fiberglass always wins over aluminum. It’s much more resistant to cracking and breaking down than aluminum windows are. It also holds up better against ultraviolet rays from the sun, which can deteriorate exterior or interior paint jobs.


The only drawback to fiberglass is that it can be difficult to cut, so you’ll have to make sure you get the right measurements from your installation company. To learn more about the difference in costs between aluminum and fiberglass replacement windows, contact your local contractor.


The cost of buying a replacement window varies by size. The larger the window, the higher the price. Simple double-hung windows can cost as little as $6 to $10 per square foot while more extravagant models can run upwards of $100.



Installation costs will also vary widely depending on your location, how many windows need to be replaced and how extensive the work will be. The amount of time it takes for your installation team to complete the job will depend on what type of business they are, as well as their experience with installing new windows. Most contractors offer discounts for replacing existing windows with new ones.

Norman Dixon

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